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The upper ear structure is very flexible. Made from mostly cartilage, it is easy for ears to be damaged or misshapen. An estimated 30% of infants are born with misshapen ears due to the flexibility of the cartilage. When the ear is bent, pointed or oddly shaped, it can be distracting and unattractive. Dr. Stefan Shuaib at Dallas Facial Plastic Surgery Center performs ear reshaping surgery through his clinic in Irving, TX.

Birth defects, injuries, genetics and other factors can result in poor ear aesthetics. Misshapen ears can be embarrassing for kids, teens and adults. While the ears may function correctly for hearing, the shape can cause other issues. Not only are deformed ears unattractive, but they may not support glasses, hearing aids, jewelry or other devices like normally shaped ears. Plastic surgery to reshape the ear can achieve better aesthetics and function for the patient, improving their appearance and quality of life.

Ear Sculpting and Reconstruction

Each ear reshaping surgery is unique and may require different surgical techniques. Dr. Shuaib is meticulous in preparing for cosmetic surgery, working with the patient to determine the best possible outcome for their needs. For some patients, the ear may only need to be sculpted to achieve a better contour and shape. For others, ear reshaping may include reconstruction to create the desired ear appearance. The more complex ear reshaping surgeries may require harvesting cartilage from another area of the body to graft to the ear.

Reshaping deformed ears can be complicated and requires extensive skills as a plastic surgeon. Dr. Shuaib is a top Dallas facial plastic surgeon and is double board certified in Facial Plastic Surgery and in Head and Neck Surgery – you can trust him to perform your ear reshaping surgery and obtain beautiful results. He uses advanced techniques to ensure outcomes look natural with discreet incisions and minimal scarring.

If you or your child have misshapen ears, there are solutions to achieve a balanced ear contour and shape. Contact our team at Dallas Facial Plastic Surgery Center in Irving, TX to schedule an ear reshaping surgery consultation with Dr. Stefan Shuaib.

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Dallas Facial Plastic Surgery Center


701 Tuscan Drive, Suite 145
Irving, TX 75039


(214) 377-8627

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

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